What to see on Prangli Island?
Summer events on Prangli island
Siit leiate kõik sellel suvel toimuvad üritused kogu Prangli saarel. Iga ürituse juures on korraldaja info.
Prangli saar, Harjumaa 74006 Eesti
Prangliresto hooaja avapidu sel aastal juba 31.mail. Broneeringe kindlasti õhtusöögiks laud, et testida selle aasta menüüd ja nautida näiteks head mulli. Õhtustada saab kella 22.00ni, pärast mida tõstame saali ringi, paneme discotuled põlema ja ootame kõiki selle aasta esimesele peole. Kuulame ära eelmise aasta lemmiklood ja oleme tänulikud, et saame järgmise saaresuve sisse õnnistada! Laua […]
PRANGLI SAUNAJOOKS on lustlik orienteerumismäng, kus tuleb läbida etteantud ajal võimalikult palju kaardile märgitud saunakohti üle kogu Prangli saare. Iga saun on omamoodi eriline. Prangli Saunajooks 2024 toimub 1.juunil Prangli saarel, Viimsi vallas, Harjumaal. Registreerimine lõpeb 30min enne võisluse algust. Saunajooksul osalevad võistkonnad on 4- liikmelised. Igale võistlejale antakse reeglitega saunade kaart enne võistlust Kelnase sadamas […]
Jaanipäeva tähistatakse Pranglil Ülesaare laululava platsil. Esineb ansambel President. Üritus on rahvale tasuta. Soodsatel ilmaoludel süüdatakse lõke ja rahvas saab külakiigel kiikuda. Prangli Resto asub kohe lava kõrval ja on avatud hommikuni.
Kaluritepäev pärineb 20.saj algusest, aga erinevalt teistest ametipühadest on sellest saanud tänaseks meelelahutuslik rahva üritus, millest keegi ei taha ilma jääda. Üritus toimub juulikuu teisel nädalavahetusel. Kogu päeva toimuvad saarel erinevad mereteemalised ettevõtmised nagu eistukiga sõudmise võistlus meestele ja naistele, kaluritepäeva laat, kalast valmistatud toitude võistlus. Õhtul tantsupidu Ülesaare laululaval. Esineb Audru Jõelaevanduse Punt. Peo […]
Viimsi Kohvikutepäev on aastatega saanud väga populaarseks ürituseks. Osalejaid on juba kokku 50 ringis nii mandril kui Pranglil. Kohvikutepäev on super võimalus peredel ja hobikokkadel kätt proovida 1 päev aastas kohvik olla kõikide rõõmude ja muredega. Prangli saarel osaleb Kohvikutepäeval ka mitu kodukohvikut, Prangli Restos toimub ÖÖKOHVIK.
Prangli spordipäeva muudab osavõtjate meelest omanäoliseks ja meeldejäävaks kõigepealt toimumiskoht Prangli saar ise ja seejärel pikaajaline traditsioon, võistlusalad, spordipäeval valitsev lõbus meeleolu, sõprade või perega ajaveetmine, uute tutvuste leidmine ja õhtune pidu rahvamajas. Kell 21.00 esineb Rahvamajas tantsuks Ivo Linna. Pilet 10€ / pensionäridele 5€
Prangli saar, Harjumaa 74006 Eesti
PRANGLIRESTO ÖÖPIDU Prangli Saare-Restos toimub kogu suve iga reede ja laupäeva hilisõhtul disco. Kell 23:00-3:00. Restoranis saab õhtustada kuni kell 22.00 ja seejärel teeme saali ruumi, et saaks lemmiklugude saatel tantsida. Baaris pakume kokteile ja shotte. Sissepääs on tasuta ja kõik on teretulnud! jälgi evente meie facebookis
Prangli saar, Harjumaa 74006 Eesti
PRANGLIRESTO ÖÖPIDU Prangli Saare-Restos toimub kogu suve iga reede ja laupäeva hilisõhtul disco. Kell 23:00-3:00. Restoranis saab õhtustada kuni kell 22.00 ja seejärel teeme saali ruumi, et saaks lemmiklugude saatel tantsida. Baaris pakume kokteile ja shotte. Sissepääs on tasuta ja kõik on teretulnud! jälgi evente meie facebookis
Prangli saar, Harjumaa 74006 Eesti
Muinastulede ööl 31.augustil kell 23.00 ootame kõiki selle suve viimasele ööpeole Pranglirestos. Restoran on avatud sel päeval kell 12-22.00. Menüül on lõpumüük. Soovitame kindlasti broneerida laua www.prangliresto.eu kontakti või vabalaud.ee kaudu. Kell 23:00 avame taas uksed, et maha pidada selle suve viimane pidu restos. Teeme metsikult shotte ja kokteile. Sellega saab meie 2024 suvehooaeg joone alla ning resto läheb […]
discover the charms of the small island
Small island - lots of possibilities
Prangli Island, with its diverse landscapes, draws nature lovers, adventurers, and those seeking a break from the city’s hustle and bustle. The island boasts crystal-clear pine forests, the pristine Mölgi beach on the southern shore, a lush marsh, and vast alluvial plains. Even the stars seem brighter and closer here. The powerful sea presents a breathtaking spectacle in any weather
Retro-inspired trucks drive island guests through the key locations of Prangli.
Prangli Surfibaar & Mölgi beach
Prangli Surfibaar is a laid-back beach bar located on the beautiful Mölgi beach in the island’s southern part. It’s the perfect spot to enjoy refreshing drinks on a hot summer day and fuel up with popular street food. On windy days, surfers have a blast catching the waves. Mölgi beach features soft golden sand with only a few stones, and the shallow waters make it ideal for a long stroll along the shore.
Prangli Shop
Prangli Island also has a convenience store. Prangli Pood is a charming little shop located in the heart of the island, right by the main street, where you’ll find everything you need. Despite its small size, it offers an impressive selection – from everyday essentials to champagne. Just be sure to check the opening hours!
Ülesaare open air singing stage
The singing stage is situated at Ülesaare Cape on Prangli Island, where the island’s traditional campfire and gathering place can be found. This stage, designed for community events, hosts group singing, theater performances, concerts, and more. Its architectural inspiration comes from a traditional Prangli watercraft – a small boat that’s shorter and sturdier than a typical boat. The boat’s hull, split lengthwise, forms the shape of a singing arch. In 2023, an extension with a roof was added, making it possible to hold events even in bad weather. Nearby, you'll find the village swing, Prangli Restaurant and the Ülesaare Holiday Resort
Keri island
Keri Island and Aksi Island are located just a short distance from Prangli Island, with trips from Prangli to Keri being quite popular. The Keri lighthouse holds significant importance on the island. There are several buildings, including the lighthouse with its outbuilding, a cinema house, a boat shed, a wood shed, a sauna, a well house, a residential building, a new generator house, and a weather station. Additionally, the island features a memorial to the Kaleva mail plane and a helicopter landing pad
Sights of Prangli Island
With its diversity, Prangli Island attracts nature lovers, adventurers, and escapees from city noise. There are transparent pine forests in Prangli, the paradise beach of Mölgi on the southern shore, a lush marsh and spacious alluvial plains. Even the stars in the sky are brighter and closer here. The mighty sea offers a unique spectacle in any weather. Retro-inspired trucks drive island guests through the key locations of Prangli.
Red Stone
Prangli's Red stone is the only giant boulder on the island. Bog boulders are originally red, but the stone is covered with moss. All tourists visit the majestic stone. According to myth, sitting on a rock is supposed to bring fertility luck
Gas Hole
The geological feature of Prangli is that there is natural gas on the island. In 1924, the island was searched for oil and a gas deposit was discovered. The gas hole is a favorite tourist attraction. To this day, you can fry an egg on a gas stove 🙂
Eestirand cemetary
In 1941, the steamship Eestirand transporting Estonians mobilized to Kroonlinna was hit by a German air attack and sank near Prangli Island. There is a large wooden memorial cross and the grave of the dead on Prangli Island
Prangli Islands Museum
In Lääneotsa village, there is a museum presenting the cultural heritage of Prangli and Aksi islands, which is located in two places: Vanani farm and Mardi farm. The display contains many historical objects necessary for the life of the coastal people.
Prangli St.Laurentius Church
Prangli Church is one of the smallest wooden churches in Estonia, which was built in 1848. The Laurentius Parish of Prangli operates there. There are religious services and even wedding receptions.
Prangli Community Center
The public house was opened in 1954 and is still a point of reference for joint events of the island people. To this day, parties, exhibitions, hobby groups, etc. take place there all year round. The public house organizes St. John's day and sports day.
Prangli Travel
Prangli Reisid organizes exciting excursions, summer days, and trips to Prangli Island year-round. If you want to enjoy a hassle-free visit to the island, it's a great idea to book through the Prangli Reisid tourist office. They’ll take care of all the logistics, so all you have to do is show up and enjoy the experience.
In addition, they organize interesting seal-watching trips in the Malusi archipelago and trips to Keri and Aksi islands. They have friendly and professional guides.
Prangli Reisid offers accommodation in Prangli all year round in its bright Loodusenergia house with a wonderful sea view.
The Prangli Island digital guide is a smart helper for exploring Prangli Island on your own. At each point of interest, the digital guide will show you information in text form and it is also possible to listen to it.